Posts tagged apps
Read Me Stories - more than just picture books
May 17th
Here is an amazing resource for the iPad. And free of course!
‘Read Me Stories’ provides a new picture book story, with narration, every day. Your child can enjoy following the story with the narration, or read it to themselves by turning down the audio.
Yet this app provides endless opportunities for being extended in the classroom with students being able to capture images of their screen by holding down the ‘Home’ button and ‘Power’ buttons. They could;
- produce their own version of the books using ‘Keynote.’ Use the ‘Dictionary/ Thesaurus’ app to help find new words to edit the text.
- produce their own comic strips of the stories by importing pictures into the ‘Strip Design’ App.
- incorporate the above apps and then import them into ‘Reel Director’ or iMovie. This would allow the students to record their own voice overs!
- create a ‘mash’ of pages from different books. That is, take pictures of the pages before the text appears, then create your own story from a variety of different books.
- use the filters in ‘Photopad’ or ‘Strip Design’ to create a different look to the images.
- share your new creations with students in other year levels. Our Year 6 / Buddy Program would be perfect for this.
So, a great app and some ideas for how it may be used creatively in the classroom. Enjoy!
Read Me Stories - Children’s books for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the iTunes App Store.
Apples For Kids - Episode 8
Mar 26th
Apples For Kids is back! Episode 8 is done. Challenge Based Learning, iPads, Apps
‘Getting Started With iPads’ Professional Learning Session
Nov 27th
Everyone is talking about the iPad, its features and how to actually implement it in a school. There are many schools out there looking at the device and considering it for next year, but with the iPad still being in its infancy in education, do you put your schools funds behind it or not?
Ringwood North PS is running a small, relatively informal session on our experience with the iPads on a 1:1 basis and management of 150 devices. We are going to go through the good, the bad and the ugly, discuss options for implementing them in your school as well as look at how our approach to learning has changed, as well as examples of student work.
So if you are interested, or know someone who may be, please print the flyer below and follow the instructions.
**The session is limited to 30 places in order to be of maximum benefit for the participants.
In A World..
Nov 21st
As part of the ‘Epic CItadel Challenge’ students at Ringwood North Primary School have been creating stories utilising a free application called ‘Epic CItadel’ and the variety of tools on the iPad to create their own stories. Epic Citadel is an immersive world where students can explore and then screen capture their own images.
We have been sharing our stories with schools from all over the world at our ‘Epic CItadel Challenge’ website, and enjoying reading their stories as well. Check out the website here and leave a comment if you can.
A big thanks to Simon (@xannov) for working with his students at Porchester Junior School in England on this task and sharing his talents. There is something pretty special about being able to collaborate and share your experience with another teacher and group of students at the other end of the globe. Our students have thoroughly enjoyed following their progress and sharing their stories as well.
It would be great to have even more schools contributing their final products to the website. If you are interested, please visit the website or contact me.
Simon put us onto the ‘InAWorld..Drama’ app, and while not free, has created some entertaining stories.
Check out an example I quickly made to demonstrate what you can do with this app.