Find out how to contribute to the ‘Apples For Kids’ Podcast.
Share Your ‘Apples For Kids!’
0With so many great educators out there with so many ideas, the ‘Apples For Kids‘ Podcast is now going to take a bit of a different turn.
I will continue to give you updates about new learning and discoveries based on all things Mac in the classroom, especially my school’s involvement in the Victorian iPad Trial and Challenge Based Learning.
But I need your help!
To make this podcast more ‘interactive’ without demanding too much of people’s time, I am inviting you to offer reviews, hints, tips and tricks. I will also be planning to have the occasional interview.
What’s the idea?
I want you to share something about how you are using Apple in the classroom to improve learning. It could be an App review, software review, a new program you have up and running, anything! As long as it has some real benefit for teachers interested in using Apple gear, I would love your input. And just because someone reviewed an app you have used in class, don’t think you can’t share how you are using it in the classroom. Educators are a talented bunch who find their own creative ways to use these tools.
This offer goes out to;
- teachers / educators
- leaders in schools
- students (the ones who really know what is worth looking at. Make sure you get permission from your teacher or parent first, or even send me a written description).
- App Developers wanting to share their product with teachers.
How does it work?
- Introduce yourself (name, where you are from, role in your school, etc)
- Include a brief summary of what the software, app, hardware, classroom strategy is (what is it, why would you bother using it in the classroom, how much does it cost?)
- Describe how you are using it in the classroom to help you and/or your students
- What are the positives and negatives you have discovered?
- Record your answers as an audio file in 2 minutes or less! (use your computer or iOS device. Good old ‘Voice Memo’ app on the iPhone will do the job!)
- attach the file to an email with your topic of discussion as the header. Email me by clicking here
- or send me an email with a write up of your review
I am also wanting to support schools and students doing cool things. If you would like to share something you have done or even made, just fill me in! You may even like to attach a sample of your work or a link to it somewhere on the web. Happy to feature great stuff going on in schools.
Please note: one email per review. If you have more to share - excellent! Just send me several emails.
Looking forward to your input and you sharing your ‘Apples For Kids!’